I offer readings both online via Zoom and in person in Los Angeles, CA. You can also book me for your party or private event. Please contact for rates regarding group events.

Astrology + Tarot
1 hour Tarot Session $75

I offer 60 minute tarot readings for subjects around relationships, career changes, educational pursuits, moving to a new location, or general information regarding your sense of self. I combine my knowledge of numerology, astrology, and mysticism into my readings helping you choose a path that is most in alignment for you. The cards are a reflection of your energy, they do not hold the power, you do! I am here to help you uncover that within yourself.
I do not do Tarot readings for the following:
Financial endeavors
Law/court cases
1 hour Astrology Session $100

I offer 60 minute astrology readings using the Placidus house system and a transpersonal/humanistic lens.
Following options for Astrology readings:
Natal Chart reading
Solar Return reading
General check in on transits and progressions for the month ahead
For all astrology sessions you must have the following:
Date of birth
Time of birth as it is on birth certificate -
Exact location of birth
Readings are unable to be accurately calculated without above information.
1:1 Tarot Mentorship

Learn the basics of Tarot reading with me with a private virtual mentorship. In this mentorship you will receive 1:1 coaching on how to read Tarot cards for yourself as well as others.
In this mentorship we cover:
Intro to the Tarot, what it is, what it is not
History of the Tarot
Differences between decks and how to choose your own deck
Major Arcana
Minor Arcana
The 4 Elements
Numerology of the Tarot
Astrology of the Tarot
How to create your own Tarot Spreads
How to trust your inner guides
How to read reversals or other positions
Contact for price
1:1 Astrology Mentorship

Learn Transpersonal Astrology from me at your own pace. We cover the basics and go over it in whatever way is best for your learning style. These meetings are virtual and you will learn the following:
Intro to what Astrology is and is not
Ethics when it comes to reading charts
The Modalities of Astrology
The 4 Elements
12 signs of the Zodiac and what they mean
A break down of the most commonly used planets, asteroids, and celestial bodies used in Transpersonal Astrology
The 12 houses and what they mean
How to read transits happening in your chart using an Ephemeris
The phases of the Moon and what they mean in your chart and Astrology practice
An intro on Progressions and Solar Return charts